Inside vs. Outside

When you are looking for answers or you have questions that need responses, where do you start? That sounds like a silly question, but it is vital to your personal and spiritual growth.

The very beginning of wisdom begins with a personal relationship with your Creator. Every religion in the world begins here for every person.

When I open my eyes  every morning, I say a prayer before my feet ever touch the floor: “Good morning, Lord! Thank you for this blessed day. I know that you will be with me every minute, unfolding my highest good before me. Take my hand, this day, and guide me. Amen!” Then I mentally take my Father’s hand, just like a trusting child, and begin my day. (By the way, if I ever turn loose of His hand during the day through negative emotions, I have to turn loose of them and reach for His hand again, trusting that all will turn out OK.)

You might ask why that is important. My answer? I know I am not alone, ever (that is, unless I choose to cling to negative emotions).

When I am seeking answers, need information, or just confused about some matter, I either write it down or ask the Universe to provide my needed responses. It comes in the form of a magazine article that I just happened to pick up, or someone sends me an email, or I become aware of just what I need to know, or a spiritual teacher comes into my life (in many forms, I might add).

Some religions call this: The Law of Attraction    OR What you think about, you bring about!

The difference between the INSIDE vs. OUTSIDE approach is that countless numbers of people seek answers from those outside, trusting them before one’s own insight is utilized. Many seek the advice of psychic readers, Tarot cards, talking with friends, teachers, preachers, Personal Growth Speakers and Workshops, gurus, Holy Men, Wise Men, Elders, etc. My point is that inside of you, you have a guitar string that resonates to your inner being and its growth. If you receive information from outside of you, give it the guitar string test: If it resonates, your highest good is being blessed.

This probably seems like an outer space idea, at first, if you have never resonated before. My example is that I was in Harper’s Ferry just wondering around on my own for a few minutes. I heard some notes of music coming from a store. I walked in, asked the sales clerk what the music was, she answered, “Danny Wright’s ‘Time Windows.’ ” I walked over to the rack, picked it up, and turned to go to the cash register. A lady stopped me by asking, “Excuse me, but you just walked in, found out what was playing, and now you are buying it. How did you do that? I have been here for two solid hours, listening to these. I still do not know which one to buy. How do you know you will like it?” I responded, “My inner Spirit just began waltzing the second I heard it. I know I will love it for always!” She, of course, looked at me like I was a lunatic. I smiled at her, turned to the cashier, bought it, and walked out. Of course, Danny Wright has many wonderful works out now, but that one was my first experience, and it was not being sold in Colorado for a long time. I still love his music.

If I did not resonate, I could never have done that.

Resonating comes in the form of words as well: Books, Preachers, Teachers, Wise Men, Gurus, etc. All of these are outside sources. My point is that, when I resonate to these words, I am forming a relationship with them, making them my own. They become part of who I am.

People can be seekers, going from a book, to a teacher, to a class, etc., accumulating knowledge all the while, but they never ask: How can I use this? How does this apply to me? What will I change because of this new piece of information? It never becomes part of their being, used, contemplated, and cherished.

It is like three blind men trying to describe an elephant: One has hold of its leg, saying, “It is like a tree trunk!”; one has hold of its tail, saying, “It is like a snake!”‘ one has hold of its trunk, saying, “It is like a rope!” They are all correct from their point of view, but the concept of an elephant has truly eluded them.

Some people accept words of an Authority Figure, which could be anyone that person holds in high regard or who they feel has power over them, and blindly follow whatever they dictate or whoever is interpreting their ideas. There have been many famous and infamous figures throughout history who prove this, including Jesus, the Pope, Dalai Lama, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mohammed,  John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plato, Plotinus, Aristotle, Hitler, Stalin, David Koresh, Jim Jones of Jonestown, Billy the Kid, Geronimo,  etc. The list is endless. It can be anybody whom one places their trust in or who they feel subservient to. In inner cities where gangs rule, guess who is dictating to others? You know who it is. This idea can be applied to a manipulative Preacher as easily as it can be anyone you put ahead of your good common sense, your Inner Guide, and your resonator. Wars have been fought for thousands of years and continue today because people give up their personal power to someone else.

You might say: “I cannot control the world. All I can do is make decisions for me.” PRECISELY!

You can be a seeker and travel the world, looking for completeness outside of yourself. Lots of luck with that one.

Or you can begin with the personal questions that you need answers to. Write them down. Ask your Creator to teach you what you need to know to understand how to RESONATE to an inner guitar string so you can hear it when it twangs, be it music, words, books, teachers, or friends. Make it your very own music. Create your very own symphony inside of you. This will guide you to the end of your days.

The only question is: Are you willing? God is the Potter, and you are the Clay. In order to change your reality, it must begin inside of you. It is your choices in action.

God’s blessing on your journey!




About upliftingthoughts4u

Life-long learning has been my quest always. There is so much in the world that brings us down. Like the old song says: "Eliminate the negative, Accentuate the positive..." Life, Love, Truth, Peace, Beauty, Laughter, Light, Joy = All these and more need to lift our spirits so we can soar. Daily wear and tear affects us all. Each one needs to take the time daily to look beyond the problems in our lives so we may find the solutions needed. I wish to use all my lessons learned to share uplifting thoughts with you. Come join me in trying to make this world a better place... :-) I have been happily married to author and poet W. Foster Welborn for 29 years. (His blog is URL: = RSS Feed is: He has 6 books on Kindle and 2 in print. I am his editor/typist. I currently have 4 more books that are in my finishing process. Watch for them!

Posted on June 7, 2014, in Uplifting Thoughts and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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