Monthly Archives: November 2018

Are you listening to your own drummer?

That question, “Are you listening to your own drummer?” is a formidable one. If asked sincerely by your mind, what would you answer?

Life comes at us helter-skelter, haphazardly, causing confusion in its wake. From the moment one wakes up until one falls into bed at night totally exhausted, incoming information about a plethora of things bombard the mind and emotions. Even if we succumb to sleep, it is not a peaceful one, even if one takes a pill to get a little shut eye. How does one quiet this cacophony? Does one just simply react to each thing? It becomes a conundrum of spirit, to say the least.

Life is not simple. It can get very complicated in a heartbeat. So much can control one’s very being because it commands the time, thoughts, and everything one turns a hand to do. How does one survive this onslaught?

Simplicity is forgotten amongst the rubble of it all.

Einstein’s definition of insanity is apt: If one keeps doing the same things the same way but expecting different results, it is truly insanity.

So, if you ask yourself honestly, “How do I get off this crazy merry-go-round?” the answer actually is a simple one.

Stop and breathe deeply. Inhale with the diaphragm and then pull the abdomen in and push the air out. (The first thing to go when enduring stress is the breathing. We become chest breathers instead.) Perhaps get yourself a cup of tea or something warm. Sit down. Stop the scurry for just a few minutes. Then you can truly ask yourself:

“Am I listening to my own drummer, or am I just overwhelmed by the cacophony of it all?”

Perhaps you could put on some quiet music and think of a happier moment in your life. Transport yourself to that moment by closing your eyes, remembering the scene, colors, scents, and sounds.

You will find that five minutes of breathing deeply and thinking of something else, much happier, will be magic to your soul.

Life will, indeed, go on. But if you can but stop like this, you will find a tonic for your soul that no pill can compare to it.

Your own music is sweeter by far than anything else could possible be. Are you willing to stop and listen?

God bless your journeys.