Monthly Archives: February 2014

Anger Management

A quote I live by every day: “Life is too serious to be taken seriously.”

I have had at least one person ask me what that means. I just responded, “Lighten up.”

When I was young, my temper would often get the best of me. Then I would dwell on the situation, only making myself more upset by the minute. Often it would take me days to get over some small incident.

Even if someone actually means to do something ornery to you, is a grudge the best way to handle it?

If someone cuts you off in traffic, do you react with anger? Are you still upset at your desk hours later? I figure that  person who cut me off, nearly taking my fender with him, did not actually do it to me — it is a habitual way to drive which is a poor paymaster, eventually causing that person to damage his own vehicle and probably somebody else’s. I bless him on his way.

As I have aged, I grant others the ability to misbehave and make mistakes, knowing that they are doing the best they can at that moment. I do not take it personally. It saves me a lot of wear and tear on my heart and mind because I just do not want to get angry about the situation. When I get angry, I am leaving my center of peace and tranquillity and exchanging it for something that will not be worth the agony it causes. I have to choose to ACT and not REACT. If I have to state something clearly so that a situation is resolved, I do not have to yell or cuss to get my point across. Yet there is no doubt in anyone’s mind what I am communicating.

I took an Anger Management class many years ago. I learned that ACTIVE LISTENING is the key. You repeat back to the person who is yelling at you exactly what you heard. You keep it up. Soon, the volume decreases. People yell because they think you did not hear them. When you repeat what they say, they lose steam. The Anger flows away. You cannot rationalize with an angry person. He/she is not listening to you. You cannot discuss the issues if one person is yelling and not listening. You can even, eventually, agree to disagree and then set another time to actually discuss the issues if it is necessary. I personally had to deal with a very angry 300 pound man who was borderline getting physically violent. The active listening calmed him down until I could ask him to leave. So I know it works.

Anger, in some people, causes them to withdraw as a reaction. They crawl up into a little shell, which only increases the anger expression of whoever is perpetrating the situation. Obviously, that person does not know you are listening to them.  Some people just try to get away from whatever is happening and just run away from the scene as fast as they can. Resolution never occurs.

Bullies love it. We admit that. They like to feel powerful and power-filled. They usually find someone to pick on that is smaller than they are.  They win by intimidation. Some supervisors do that same thing. You cannot interact with them because they know they have POWER. But being quiet like a mouse does not work either as a response. They usually only get worse. Try Active Listening techniques. Perhaps it will help calm the situation.

When someone is angry, it raises their blood pressure, the adrenalin “fight or flight” response, and the wear and tear on the body. It is like a light that goes shooting out at the person or situation. When it is over, one feels empty and drained. If the anger is not expressed properly, however, it turns inward and becomes depression. That is a bad beast to have to deal with.

You can pound on pillows, write a hate letter and shred it, perform physical exercise, imagining that you are stomping out the problem/situation/person. There are lots of ways to exorcise the bad feelings without putting one’s fist through a wall, person, or thing.

I have had three accidents in my life which have impacted my body functioning and hampered how I can do many tasks. I have had to deal with anger over the losses to my healthy body. Life is not fair, and it will never be so. I had to work my way through the anger responses so I could deal with the pain and the situation. That is not an easy thing to do, but it is necessary because I choose to be a pleasant person with a smile on my face. Most people will never know what I have gone through and what is happening to my body at any moment. I do not let the pain or the anger control me and dictate what my interaction level will be with others. I choose to overcome it and share the best that is in me with my world.

We are like puppets of the memories we have, registered long ago when we were learning how to interact with our world. We learned how to deal with situations by watching those around us. If we did not have good mentors (and most of us had parents and others around us who are capable of making mistakes), we respond with whatever we learned, good or bad.

Most of the therapy that people pay for is so they can react and interact with their world differently than what they learned when they were small. They want to be able to be more functional. That is a good thing. It is never too late to change, using whatever tools you can find that work for you, be it a book, a good friend, etc.

If you find yourself becoming angry at something or someone, can you stop for even a second before you light that flame of destruction? Can you ask yourself why you are ready to rip somebody’s head off? Can you stop and breathe deeply, trying to calm yourself, your blood pressure, and your “fight or flight” response? That is the purpose for counting to 10, slowly.

Do you remember the scene in the Harry Potter movie where Ron was facing his fears, and he turned the spider into a clown, with roller skates on each leg?  Do you know that anger can be dealt with in the same way? I quietly think about a scene from Alice in Wonderland, looking for the Mad Hatter, The Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit with the pocket watch yelling, “I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!” Anything that will add levity to the situation until I can regain my perspective. I don’t have to tell anyone what I am up to…I just do it.

When things gets crazy around me, instead of joining the craziness, I just calmly rise in my air balloon, looking at the situation as a spectator. If I choose to ACT, I can then do so. No hint of REACT is there. (Now, if I had a charging tiger to deal with, I would put my adrenalin to good use. But short of that, in real life, there are not many  dangers out there to react to. It is the imaginary dangers that cause the damage, and most of them never happen. We just worry about it all, nonetheless.)

If have been told that I am a very positive person. I work at it. It is not something that happens by chance. I work on my calm attitudes because I want to be part of the answer, not the problem.

Each morning when I get up, I set my sails so that if some errant wind catches me, I can then adjust my sails so I can keep heading towards my destination, whatever that may be for the day. Lots of people can try to huff and puff, and blow me off course…all to no avail. Circumstances can do the same. I still press on with my hand on the helm, charting my course by my belief system and my faith. with prayers always in my heart.

Life happens. We all make mistakes. We have to continually pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again.

If you find yourself stewing over some situation and not arriving at a peaceful resolution, just know that you have lots of company. The only questions you need to ask yourself are, “Do I want to continue feeling like this? Do I want to change that?” Hanging onto your anger will not solve a thing. It only wears you out from the inside. Is it worth it?



A short definition of Unhappiness is something which you would wish to un-happen. In other words, you are not happy with the results/consequences of something.

Is this possible? Can history be changed? Are there regrets? Do you ever wish you had done something differently?

If it happened a second ago or years ago, history cannot be altered.

You can do things differently from now on, starting this minute. But you cannot undo what has been done. You can apologize perhaps. But you need to forgive yourself and others and move on.

The dictionary says the definition of Unhappiness is sad, wretched, sorrowful, ill-chosen.

I think we can all agree on that.

So what then? You must deal with the consequences, of course. But ruminating on the past can only get you the dictionary’s definitions of emotions that are not only unproductive, they are counterproductive. The more you think about something that has happened, the less you are in the present and unable to look forward to your future.

You need to ask yourself if you are Happy or Unhappy. If it is the former, congratulations! Keep up the good work! However, if it is the latter, regardless of the reason (no matter how justified you feel about it), you know you are STUCK.

It’s like Brer Rabbit and the tar baby. The more you fight with it, the more stuckered up you get!

Do you want to stay all stuckered up? It is your choice, after all.

It is like the vines that kept Harry Potter and his two friends all tied up — the more they struggled, the tighter they got. When Hermione realized what the vines were, she relaxed and fell through the tangle to the floor below, as did Harry. Hermione had to use light to get Ron freed.

We also need the light of understanding to free us from whatever we are stuck in. Seeking the light is the first step in the process. It will always come to anyone who is truly seeking it.

Bless you on your journey!

Balanced Living

There is a Divine Polarity to all of life. Magnets have positive and negative poles. Most of our learning comes to us in that manner. We find out what we do not want after we get it, and thereby learn what we really do want and need. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?

Some examples are:

Joy vs. Sadness

Truth vs. Lies

Peace vs. Chaos

Beauty vs. Ugliness

Life vs. Death

Love vs. Hate

Light vs. Darkness

Laughter vs. Tears

Good vs. Bad

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone, and, after it is over, said to yourself, “Well, I’ll never do that again! I will change my choices. I will ask more questions. I will be able to see that quality in someone else before I get involved.” Yet, sometimes history repeats itself?

We learn by bumps in the road, apparently, as a species.

I love the Pushmi-Pullyu in the Doctor Dolittle series. I have found that life is not all one thing or all another. It is usually a mixture of both polarities. The questions is: Can you separate them out clearly enough to be able to change your choices?

Add in the idea that rarely is anything simple. Usually, it is some of each. Whether it be a job, relationships, raising children, or any other topic that comes to mind. I personally know people who stay in a bad relationship because they have become vested in it–stuff rules as do habits. So they stay in the same old toxic atmosphere year in and year out. You can say the same for a job. Vesting dictates because one cannot afford a lower wage or whatever it takes to make a change. Raising children has its joys and its heart aches because these are little beings with an idea of how they want life to be and seek it out at their level, which may not be the wisest course. In short, simplicity is difficult, if not impossible, to find. That does not mean that one should not seek it. It only means that it is a gem of great price and should be sought after with due diligence.

There are positive aspects of all the above. Having been in a bad marriage or relationship, one can then seek more wisely to find a mate who is more compatible. If one is unhappy with the workaday life they have created, for whatever reason, one can seek that which will make them happier. Some Wall Street workers quit that life style and go to the country, finding a different way to live. Some go to college so they can change their resumes. In short, one can seek that which will give him/her a more positive balance in living.

Life is not like walking a tight rope without a safety net. Mankind can learn, grow, and change at will. Fear keeps us from doing that. It has been said that Fear of the Unknown is the greatest reason for not seeking a better answer. What one knows is better than looking for a challenge. The sameness of daily living is secure, no matter what the Happiness Quotient is.

I have been fortunate because I have accepted the challenges and sought Change and Balance in Living. I know what I want my life to look like. I have had to learn Forgiveness of myself and others in my journey. I have never thought that I would rather live alone than try to find that certain someone who will be my  Best Friend for the rest of my life, someone I could grow old with, and someone who will be on the other end of this relationship. After all, relationships are TWO-WAY STREETS, not one-way. If one person is giving all the time while the other is taking all the time, no Happiness Quotient can be found.  I have said that relationships are like a waltz, and I would rather dance through life with my partner than have somebody who is out of synch and not on the same page. I have been most fortunate to find my Best Friend. I would wish the same for you.

I started this article with many positive qualities which I consider necessary for my life. I endeavor to achieve my balance with them in some way, every day. I look for them. I accentuate their presence in my life. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, which are also present daily, I look for some way to lighten the day with laughter and the other ideas.

How about you? Are you willing to look at your Happiness Quotient and seek new ways to find Balance in Living? You will find that it is worth the time and effort to think about, seek, and find. Even if your life is good, it can always be better. Are you interested?

May your journey be blessed in every way. 🙂


Sense of Purpose

Life can be difficult. Circumstances can become seemingly unbearable. How can one’s spirit survive all the negativity that surrounds us?

I have a plaque on my wall that says, “Life is too serious to be taken seriously.” Hence, I find that, by lightening up, everything does get better. This is not a Pollyanna idea for it is real, and it works. I bring a sense of purpose to each day. Through this vehicle called blogging, I am sharing ideas to aid others along their paths. Perhaps it will help each one, enabling that person to arrive at a new perspective. This will bring about positive changes so that each one can live a more effective life. What a joy that would be! Based on thousands of comments, it is happening.

At a lecture with Og Mandino, he gave the following story:

“There is an old Japanese legend that tells us that, may thousands of years ago, in the central part of Japan, there was a mountain with a flat top surrounded by dense jungle. The mountain was called, ‘The Place Where You Leave Your Parents.’ As the legend goes, if one’s parents were still alive at a certain age, their children carried them bodily through the jungle up to the top of this mountain so they could leave them there for the gods.

One day, a strapping young man was fighting his way through the underbrush, heading right for the mountain, carrying on his shoulders a wisp of an old lady. As he fought and pushed his way through the dense jungle, heading right for the mountain, he noticed that she was doing something with her right hand. Finally, he turned and looked up at her,

Half in anger at himself for what he was doing and half in anger at her, he asked her, ‘Mother, what are you doing?’

The old lady looked down at her son with tears streaming down her wrinkled cheeks and said,'”Son, I’m just breaking off a few branches and dropping them to mark a path so that, after you leave me, you will be able to find your way back home.’

I would like to break a couple of branches for you so that, if you have lost your way, you might be able to find the path again.”

So, I now say to you, let me break a few branches off for you so that you, too, might find your way to a better choice.

In the helter-skelter existence we live in, filled to the brim with noise, chaos, confusion, conflicting priorities, lack of money, stress, etc., how does one begin to make even a little sense of it all?

As I have stated in other blogs, you must begin with yourself, living your life from the inside out. Finding a sense of purpose is part of that process. Take a closer look at you so you can appreciate the assets you already have. Each of us is like a snowflake, unique, different for all others. Only you can make a difference in your life by the way you express your ideas to others around you by living your life in accordance with that inner vision.

Author Richard Bach has said, “There is a golden web of others out there who connect with us. As we reach out to others from the best that is in us, we find our extended family, not of blood but of spirit.”

We all need to find that family. Together, we are stronger and better than when we thought we were alone, which connotes helplessness and inability to deal with life constructively.It is so overwhelming.

An example that I saw in the movie, “The Straight Story,” the main actor states, “If you try to break one branch, it is very easy. But if your put more branches with it and bind them, it is impossible. We all need somebody.”

As we reach out with knowledge and understanding, we plant the seeds for our tomorrows and others as well.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all those who have shared this blog, for sharing is the highest form of praise. It has been a joy to my heart to see my own golden web forming. May you find yours as well. God bless you on your journey!

I Believe

Several singers have done the song, “I Believe,” and have done it beautifully. It speaks to my heart, and I believe it is one of the songs that always cheers me up and is always inside of me. The words are:

“I Believe”

“I believe for every drop of rain that falls
A flower grows,
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows,
I believe for everyone who goes astray,
Someone will come to show the way,
I believe, I believe.

I believe above the storm a smallest prayer
Will still be heard,
I believe that someone in the great somewhere
Hears every word,
Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,
Or touch a leaf, or see the sky,
Then I know why,
I believe.

Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,
Or touch a leaf, or see the sky,
Then I know why,
I believe.”

The words are simple, but their meaning is worth pondering. It is truly the “staff of life.” It is the motivator for seeking personal growth.

Have you ever actually asked yourself, “What do I believe in?” I mean the word that resides at the very basic level inside of you, not at the surface.

We get so caught up in the sounds of war drums inside of us that the music cannot be heard. Demands from outside of us badger our mind for our attention. The music that I hear pouring with a deafening din out of the windows of the car that is waiting for a light, for instance. I often ask myself, “How can that person think?” Perhaps that is the key. Maybe that one needs entertained so badly that he/she does not care if  his/her own hearing is being damaged, as well as those who are unlucky enough to be close enough to hear it. Is life so shallow that extremes must be exploited constantly? How about the electronic games that take up so much of everyone’s time? Is it worthwhile to sit and look at a beautiful sunrise or sunset, or pause and smell the flowers? Would taking a walk outside to just enjoy the warmth of the sunshine be out of the question? (Of course, I am ignoring that a lot of the nation is currently caught in very cold weather, snow, and ice storms.)

My point is a simple one: I believe at the very inmost level that life is lived from the inside of me outward, not vice versa. Yet I am surrounded in daily life by others who actually seem to think that the outside stuff/activities/whatever brings life to the inside. Hence, you have the thrill seekers, the ones who dance to everybody else’s music but never to their own, and the ones who are never satisfied with their lives no matter how much stuff they own.

As for me, I enjoy all my possessions, but they do not possess me. All of God’s gifts to me are sincerely appreciated. I love living my life every single day for there is something to look forward to doing. I do dance to my inner music, including, “I Believe.” It is a song of faith and  hope. I want to believe that good things are unfolding for me, always.

My life has been less than ideal for most of my life. I have endured so many sadness-related occurrences that many people will have the good fortune to never see. Yet I would not let the bitter root enter, as from The Bible’s exhortations, for it consumes all one’s energy. How, you may ask? Because I believe that my beliefs are the driver of my life, not the outer circumstances that can wreck havoc and mayhem.

My question to you is: Do you believe? I am not talking about what the local minister is saying to you. I am asking you to look deep within you to the core of your being. Is life challenging to you? Are your days harried and impossibly busy? Perhaps you or someone you love is facing a health challenge. Is that all there is?

Hope, love, trust, and faith all go hand in hand. You cannot have just one of these. It must be all. If there is none, how can you hope your life will change? You cannot build a skyscraper without the right footing or base. What I am asking you to look at is your footing or base. You are the architect of your life. Are you willing to look deep within to see what your beliefs really are? It is your life, after all, nobody else’s. Are you willing? You can increase your personal power incrementally exponentially if you will but ask yourself what changes are needed. God’s blessings on you as you journey.


I Am There

Poet James Dillet Freeman wrote this some years ago. A copy of it is now on the moon as it was carried there on the Apollo XV voyage by Astronaut James B. Irwin and left on the moon for future space voyagers. It has always touched my heart and comforted me when I need it. I share it with you as it has been one of my guides for a long time.

I Am There

“Do you need Me?

I am there.

You cannot see Me, yet I am the light you see by.

You cannot hear Me, yet I speak through your voice.

You cannot feel Me, yet I am the power at work in your hands.

I am at work, though you do not understand My ways.

I am at work, though you do not recognize My works.

I am not strange visions. I am not mysteries.

Only in absolute stillness, beyond self, can you know Me as I am, and then but as a feeling and a faith.

Yet I am there. Yet I hear. Yet I answer.

When you need Me, I am there.

Even if you deny Me, I am there.

Even when you feel most alone, I am there.

Even in your fears, I am there.

Even in your pain, I am there.

I am there when you pray and when you do not pray.

I am in you, and you are in Me.

Only in your mind can you feel separate from Me, for only in your mind are the mists of “yours” and “mine.”

Yet only with your mind can you know Me and experience Me.

Empty your heart of empty fears.

When you get yourself out of the way, I am there.

You can of yourself do nothing, but I can do all.

And I am in all.

Though you may not see the good, good is there, for I am there.

I am there because I have to be, because I am.

Only in Me does the world have meaning; only out of Me does the world take form; only because of Me does the world go forward.

I am the law on which the movement of the stars and the growth of living cells are founded.

I am the love that is the law’s fulfilling.

I am assurance.

I am peace.

I am oneness.

I am the law that you can live by.

I am the love that you can cling to.

I am your assurance.

I am your peace.

I am one with you.

I am.

Though you fail to find Me, I do not fail you.

Though your faith in Me is unsure, My faith in you never wavers, because I know you, because I love you.

Beloved, I am there.”

If you would print this off and post it in a prominent place where you would see its message often, you would ponder its Truths. Then you could begin to find ways to make your life more worthwhile, change your perspective, which would then effect positive motion in the right direction. Answers would come more readily as you seek them. Happy Hunting! May God bless your every endeavor.

Lung Leavin’ Day

Following is an email I received from Cameron Von St. James. It is a story of strength, facing fears, and the joy of being alive. I want to take this opportunity to share it with you. The interactive page on the bottom is neatly done and well worth your time to click on. The blog,, is well done. Enjoy!

“Hi there!

My name is Cameron Von St. James and I was wondering if you’d be willing to help me with a cause that means a lot to me!

Eight years ago, my wife Heather was diagnosed with mesothelioma; a rare cancer that kills most people within 2 years of diagnosis.  She had just given birth to our daughter Lily, and was only given 15 months to live.  After a life saving surgery that included the removal of her left lung, LungLeavin’ Day was born.  On February 2nd, we celebrated 8 years of Heather being cancer free.

The purpose of LungLeavin’ Day is to encourage others to face their fears!  Each year, we gather around a fire in our backyard with our friends and family, write our biggest fears on a plate and smash them into the fire.  We celebrate for those who are no longer with us, for those who continue to fight, for those who are currently going through a tough time in their life, and most importantly, we celebrate life!

This year, we asked bloggers to participate and spread the word about LungLeavin’ Day.  We created an interactive page that tells the full story of our special day. Although the day has passed, we hope you will still check it out and share it on your blog.  It would mean so much to Heather and I.  Let me know what you think.

Thank you so much,

Cameron Von St. James”

Having a Pity Party?

Pity Parties prevail, unfortunately. There are so many reasons to stay in one permanently. Would that do any good? Not likely.

In one of Og Mandino’s lectures, he said, “When I feel sorry for myself, and I don’t want to enter the world…I open the paper to the obituaries to see how many would trade places with me if they only could.”

Now that is definitely something to ponder.

He also said, “Never treat time as if you had an unlimited supply. No one has a contract with life.”

If you were to take a census of your prevailing attitudes, what would you say they were? If they center on a Pity Party, you have to know that direction will lead you nowhere. Are you willing to take a close look at the words you speak, the emotions you feel, and the ways you act? What is your body language saying? Can you look into a mirror and look closely at your eyes and your facial expression? What story are they telling you?

When you are depressed, one of the harder things you can do is to look into your eyes in a mirror and gaze upon your countenance. Why? Your eyes are downcast, for one thing. You are sad, your shoulders sag, and your head hangs down.

Did you know that depression is actually unexpressed anger turned inwards? Note I said, “Unexpressed.” I don’t mean you need to put your fist through a wall or hit something or somebody. There are many constructive ways to work on anger, such as working out, hitting a pillow, writing it all down on a sheet of paper and then shredding it, releasing it.

The point of a Pity Party is that you want to feel better. So, if you stay in one long enough, you should feel better, right? Nope, never going to happen. It perpetuates itself.

The only way to get out of a Pity Party is to change your focus from whatever is driving you crazy. You need to find something else to think about. Hopefully you will find something beautiful to contemplate, look at a rainbow, or listen to music. Many things can lift your spirit, from a good massage or warm bath to a quiet walk in nature. You just have to find something that works for you.

Again, it is in your capable hands to find a different way to express yourself. Are you willing to try that?


The definition for Happy is:  “Favored by circumstances; lucky; fortunate; having, showing, or causing a feeling of great pleasure, contentment, joy, etc.; joyous; glad; pleased.” By the way, Happiness is a noun, while Happy is an adjective. That means the latter is active while the former is static…that means a lot.

Happiness is many things to many people. It is a state of mind. Some people equate it to ecstasy, or a state of euphoria. I would suggest to you that it is much more than that. It is more than a feeling, however fleeting that can be.  Some believe that circumstances outside of you can bring you Happiness, unknowing that Happiness is an inside job. Perhaps you may want a soul mate so you can live “happily ever after,” yet that particular one has not appeared because all of the candidates are flawed. Some have become disillusioned with the idea, believing it to be an impossibility. So they just stop looking or trying. Some keep looking even though they are not exactly sure what it is they are seeking. Some reach a sense of desperation because they want to begin a family, feeling like the clock is ticking against them. They actually have the option now of freezing their eggs or sperm, just in case they finally find that certain someone. That keeps their options open so they can have a healthy baby.

Some think that stuff can be the essence of their existence. Just go out and buy whatever you think will finally make you Happy. Yet that newness wears off, so you go buy something else. It is a wonderful thing to enjoy your possessions and all the good that God has brought to you…whether it is a beautiful necklace or a fancy car. Just remember that there is more to life. Besides, if material possessions brought Happiness, why are there not more of us deliriously Happy? Some people seek money and fame beyond all else, yet when they find it, they still must feel empty because of involvement with drugs, alcohol, and other addictions, some of which are fatal. It appears to be conundrum to me. (Definition of Conundrum is any puzzling question or problem.)

Some seek security and base all their decisions on that one idea. Yet security in itself is usually a moving target, especially in this economy and changing circumstances for so many people.  Some people even think that getting married will provide you with it. When they find out that it does not, they opt for divorce in lieu of being together and learning from each other. Tough decisions all.

There is a tale about a king who wanted to be happy, so he sent out a decree that he wanted to find the happiest man in his kingdom. He thought that, if he could find this person, he could wear this man’s shirt and be happy too. However, when he found the happiest man, it turned out that he did not even own a shirt. There is an idea to ponder.

Think for a minute: If Happiness is an inside job, how can anything outside of you actually truly create it? If you had a Happy plant growing inside of you, it would need nourishment in many forms: water, vitamins, sunshine, you name it. Yet we neglect to do any of that because we are waiting for some magic from outside of ourselves to help it to grow. While we wait, the plant withers and possibly dies.

I would suggest to you that Happiness has some basic qualities that help one to realize it:

H          Healthy

A           Admiration


P           Peace

I            Intimacy

N          Neatness/Orderliness

E          Ecstasy

S          Stillness

S          Serenity

All of these are interconnected with a sense of well-being. If one considers each word and then looks for something in their life that could be identified with it, perhaps just realizing it will raise your Happiness Quotient. If we remember that what we focus us on grows in our life, just changing how you approach the circumstances in your life could make it better.

Life was meant to be lived. Isn’t it about time that you felt you were, indeed, more alive?

If you are serious about being a happier person, suggest you sit down with a blank sheet of paper. Draw a line down the middle. Now write the words, “Am I Happy” and add a punctuation mark. It can be a “?,” a “!” or even a period. The punctuation mark will tell it all. Once you do that, on one side of the column on the paper, write down what makes you feel happy. On the other column, write down what makes you feel sad, lonely, lost, or unhappy. You might be amazed at what these answers will show you. Just writing things down helps you to take a look at your perspective and perhaps change it if you want. We get stuck like a hamster in a cage, doing the same things every day for the same reasons. Sometimes, it helps to get out of that cage of humdrum existence. Writing things down can add clarification and help you formulate a new beginning for you, starting now.

Are you brave enough and willing  to try it?



The Light of God

This poem was written by James Dillet Freeman when he was a young man for all soldiers of WWII. It is a favorite of mine, and I begin each day with this prayer:

The Light of God Surrounds me…

The love of God enfolds me…

The Power of God protects me…

The Presence of God watches over me…

Wherever I am, God is.”

This is the shorter version, which many people are familiar with. I usually change the “me” to “us” because I am praying for all of my loved ones; hence, the last line is, “Wherever we are, God is.”

The longer version goes like this:

“The light of God surrounds me…

The Love of God enfolds me…

The Power of God protects me…

The Presence of God watches over me…

The mind of God guides me…

The Life of God flows through me…

The laws of God direct me…

The power of God abides within me…

The Joy of God uplifts me…

The Strength of God renews me…

The Beauty of God inspires me…

Wherever I am, God is.”

I find great comfort from this poem. Sometimes my mind just stays in the problems that I see in my own world as well as the world at large, both personal and loved ones’ worlds, just going round and round. I have to remind myself that I need to move my FOCUS to the ANSWER. It is perfectly obvious that there is no resolution to the issues involved unless one moves to an answer-seeking posture. I am not talking supplication here (as in begging to take some problem away). It has been said that “The way out is the way through.” That means that we are asking for our highest good as well as that for our loved ones. If we know specifics in the answer, we can look to them; however, it can limit the answer. But the generic “highest good” works very well, as does wrapping whoever we are concerned about in White Light, which is the highest God there is.

I had a friend whom I told the White Light idea to before she left on a trip. During that road trip, there was an accident that was imminent. She immediately wrapped them in White Light, and the accident was avoided. She knows the White Light saved them as nothing else could have.

It has been said that “Ye have not because ye ask not.” In Matthew 7:7,8, it says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asked receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

This is talking about the ANSWER, which is a change of FOCUS. In our loving concern, especially for loved ones, we get stuck in the problem and chaos. We WORRY and fret, perhaps even shed tears. In the end, one must turn them, the problem, and our concern and worry over to God. We have to LET GO AND LET GOD do what is best. That is a tall order.

Are you willing to change your focus? Are you willing to give True Prayer a try? It means that you have to pray believing. Can you do that?

If you do, it will change your life and the lives of your loved ones. I can promise you that. God’s blessings be upon you, every minute of your day!