Monthly Archives: June 2022

Celebrate Being Alive!

Everything has been so negative for so long. There have been so many worries and apprehensions to cause anxiety because most are beyond your control.

Oh, Wait!

Are you breathing? Can you breathe deeply?

Do your eyes see something beautiful in your surroundings?

Does your nose smell some lovely scent that tickles your fancy?

Can you walk?

Do your arms move well?

Do your hands work?

Can you smile?

In short, where is your attention? Is it on things you cannot possibly do anything about? Or can you kiss and hug your loved ones? Touch is so very important from the moment of birth until your last breath.

Are you using your awareness to sweeten your days and those of your loved ones?

So much has been lost due to exterior realities.

Focus is vital to regain control of your body, mind and thoughts. Where is your attention?

If there are no tigers, lions, or bears to run from to save your life, the wear and tear of anxieties are not only useless but harmful.

Concentrate on the good things instead of dwelling on what you cannot personally control or change.

Life is short. Enjoy what you can while you can. Focus on what is in your area of choice so you may make better use of your time and energy.

God bless your journey!