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Be Careful What You Pray For

Years ago, I was economically challenged, or as some people would say, “Poor as church mice.”

I was pumping gas into my car, and forgot to replace my gas cap as I drove off. I realized it after a few hours. Of course, I went back to the gas station, with negative results as my gas cap was gone.

Well, I prayed, “Lord, you know I don’t have much money. Please help me find a gas cap.”

Please note, I did not specify anything, including whether it would fit or not, work or not.

As the day progressed, I found four gas caps, all crushed beyond recognition.

After the fourth one, I prayed as I laughed, “Lord, help me find a gas cap that will work.”

I was prompted to go to K-Mart, where I did, indeed, find a gas cap that fit my car for only $3.57, which I could afford.

My gas cap story has always reminded me that I need to be more careful with my words as I pray.

It can be open-ended, but you need to be aware that feelings also pray.

One example is a girlfriend of mine who prayed for a relationship, ending up with a not-so-desirable man in the local area and another guy in California who was long distance  and a perfect match. So if you pray one way but actually feel like Dr. Dolittle’s Pushmi-Pullyu, you will get mixed results, much to your chagrin. Word to the wise, make certain that your feelings support your prayers.

Another example is praying for more money to come in, yet feeling anxious because it is not happening. Since the feelings drive the engine of your prayers, guess what you get? More need multiplied by the lack feelings that creates a loop, with more angst, etc.

I liken prayers and feelings to a loaded gun: Be careful where you point it.

If you are getting mixed results, examine your words and your feelings: Are they supporting one another, or not?

If not, oooooooops! Not a good thing.

You have to be willing to examine yourself carefully in these situations. Are you?

God’s Blessing upon your journey!